The Real Story of Brenda #40for40


Brenda is a single mom of six, including an 11-year-old, three teenagers, and two adult children. She has always been in sales and enjoys the work. But when her employer underwent layoffs in 2021, she suddenly lost her income. 

Brenda immediately started looking for another job, but with a large family to support it took time to find the right match. “I tried to make ends meet borrowing from family and friends,” says Brenda. Despite her efforts, she lost her home.

Real Story of Brenda

For two months, she and her children were homeless, staying with friends, relatives, or at hotels. Finally, after 10 months, she landed a great job. Yet she was so far behind financially, she didn’t know how she would ever catch up. Brenda confided in one of her new co-workers, who told her about NAM.

"I just had to turn to God; a lot of prayer. I know He provides, and that’s how He provided—through NAM"
- Nam Client Brenda

After going through the application process, Brenda was beyond grateful when NAM provided three months of rent for her family. Within a week, the funds were distributed to her landlord. “If it wasn’t for NAM I don’t know what I would have done,” says Brenda. “It was a lot of stress, a lot of worrying. I just had to turn to God; a lot of prayer. I know He provides, and that’s how He provided—through NAM.” “I can’t thank them enough,” she adds. “We’re finally living stress-free. Everything is paid, and I can sleep well.”

NAM needs your help to continue housing families like Brenda's. To honor NAM's 40th anniversary, our #40for40 campaign is hoping to raise at least $40 from supporters like you.

Many have nowhere to turn but to NAM and we cannot continue without your help. Please bless NAM and our neighbors in need, with your #40for40 contribution now. If not NAM then who?

Donate $40 Now


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