NAM's Super Food Giveaway #40for40


In early 2021, NAM held its first Neighborhood Super Site Food Giveaway. The drive-through distribution at Planet Ford Stadium allowed people to safely remain in their cars while volunteers loaded 70 pounds of groceries into their trunk—fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy, meat, and non-perishables. Cars were lined up for miles. 

By the end of the four hour event, more than 1,300 families had been served. “We had to do something big because the need is so big,” said Brian Carr, Chief Advancement Officer for NAM. “Our volunteers were incredible,” he adds. “There were parents and teenagers who never slowed down. They never complained even as they were serving out in the heat for hours.”

“I would like to thank everyone who helped provide this food, I have grandchildren that I am helping today, and their parents don’t have cars to be here. God bless everyone helping today."

NAM Client

Additional Super Site giveaways were held on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. After three giveaways at Planet Ford Stadium, NAM moved to an even larger site: the EcoPark at George Bush Intercontinental Airport. Each of the distributions at Planet Ford Stadium served an average of 1,500 families; at the airport they averaged 2,500 families each time.

Along with those distributions, NAM continues to provide food at its Joanne Watford Nutrition Center (JWNC).  Large donations helped meet the increased need, and NAM provided food to nearly 21,000 households this year, but we need more help to keep this program going.

To honor NAM's 40th anniversary, our #40for40 campaign is hoping to raise at least $40 from supporters like you so we can keep feeding the hungry in our community. Please bless NAM, and the neighbors we serve, with your #40for40 contribution now.

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