The Real Story of Vera #40for40


Vera was a loving caregiver for her husband, who had dementia and prostate cancer. After learning that nutrition was important in the fight against cancer, she made sure he ate a proper meal three times a day. But one day she teased him, saying “Looks like I’m not doing anything but cooking and washing dishes.” Then she called NAM to inquire about Meals on Wheels.

It turned out that not only did her husband qualify, but Vera did too. “When it started, I was so happy,” Vera says. “I was laying in my bed reading my Bible because I didn’t have to prepare food. It gave me a break and I was so happy about that.”

That’s the way NAM treats seniors, like we’re family.”

Vera’s husband passed away in 2018, and his death took a toll on her. “Being a Christian, I knew where he went and I was comfortable with the Lord taking him,” she says. “But I found out that when you lose someone that close to your heart, it takes your focus off. And I could not cook. So Meals on Wheels came in more handy for me than ever.” Today, at age 73, Vera continues to receive Meals on Wheels as well as monthly groceries from NAM.


She is grateful for both services because it means she has food in the house. “I just love my delivery people,” she says. “We uplift each other all the time. That’s a friendship I look forward to.” “When you become a senior you just want to be loved and understood,” she adds. “I get that from my children and my family, but I get it from my Meals on Wheels family as well".

NAM needs your help to continue serving seniors like Vera. To honor NAM's 40th anniversary, our #40for40 campaign is hoping to raise at least $40 from supporters like you so we can keep feeding the hungry in our community. Please bless NAM, and neighbors like Vera, with your #40for40 contribution now.

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