NAM's Resources to Protect the Vulnerable


As part of our #40for40 campaign to honor NAM's 40th anniversary, we've been highlighting some of NAM's most popular and important programs.  We've been sharing real stories or real people who have been touched by NAM as a result of your grace and generous support.  This week we are highlighting perhaps our most important program of all, NAM's Family Violence Center (FVC)

Domestic and family violence is often difficult to detect and it knows no bounds. Survivors of domestic violence include men and women, rich and poor, seniors and our kids. Many survivors do not even recognize that they are being abused.

Helping survivors of family and domestic violence is some of the most important work we do at NAM, and we have a myriad of resources to help survivors.  We also have tools to help identify and deal with family violence, and to teach young people others about breaking the cycle of violence.


Our primary resource is our hotline.  For those trapped in the hostility, our Family Violence Center (FVC) stands ready to help 24/7. In 2022 the FVC answered 5,310 calls to its hotline.

When a survivor calls NAM, they gain access to specialized counselors and a variety of resources to immediately free themselves from abuse and to develop a plan for a safe, fresh and healthy new start.

Those not ready to make the call can visit our FVC on the web.

Another place to start is to develop your own personal safety plan from the Texas Council on Family Violence. They also have a resource to help identify the effects on children living in violent homes.

You can learn more about identifying violence by checking out the power and control wheel published by the National Center on Domestic and Family Violence.

Please watch out for this week's important articles, including real stories from real NAM Family Violence center clients. You can get a jumpstart on this week's request for support for our FVC by making a $40 contribution to our #40for40 - Supporting NAM's Family Violence Center right now.

Please remember that this is important work and NAM is often the only place to turn.

NAM needs your help to continue protecting the vulnerable like the clients you will hear about and the 5,310 people we helped via our hotline in 2022. To honor NAM's 40th anniversary and support our Family Violence Center, our #40for40 campaign is hoping to raise at least $40 from supporters like you.

Many have nowhere to turn but to NAM and we cannot continue without your help. Please bless NAM and our neighbors in need, with your $40 contribution now. If not NAM then who?

Donate $40 Now

If you, or someone you know, needs to talk about a dangerous relationship please call NAM's free help hotline anytime 24/7. You are not alone, we can help, and all calls are strictly confidential!

(281) 885-HOPE (4673)

(888) 750-HOPE (4673)

Please check your e-mail for a link to activate your account.