Domestic Violence in Our Community

Once again our community has seen the deadly results of domestic violence.  While one case made the evening news, there were many more individuals that were hurt, hospitalized, and perhaps killed, that we did not hear about.  The sad truth is that domestic violence happens every single day in all parts of Houston and Harris County.  NAM’s Family Violence Center responded to many such calls over the week of Christmas and Hanukah.  Callers looking to flee to shelters, get a ride to safety, and several individuals trying to help family members or friends.  This kind of violence often increases during and following holidays; and is something that should not be ignored.   If you, or someone you know, are faced with violence in your relationship please call NAM’s Family Violence Center at 281/885-4673.  Talk to a trained advocate who can provide suggestions on safety, intervention and the options available. 

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