The G.O.A.T Kind of Love: Healthy Relationships

You may remember on Monday we talked about unhealthy relationships! Today, we are going to talk about healthy relationships. If there is anything that you should know it is that you all deserve healthy relationships. There is never an excuse for any kind of abuse.

Not all relationships are the same. However, for a relationship to thrive, healthy communication, healthy boundaries, mutual respect, and trust must all exist. When these qualities exist, you are able to be your own person and share your own thoughts, opinions, and feelings without fear of how your partner will react.

In unhealthy relationships, there is often the demand to spend all of your time with your partner. We can often mistake this for love and care, but something to remember is that in a healthy relationship your world will EXPAND not shrink and dwindle down to one other person!

Of course, life happens and relationships will require some work, but for the most part, relationships should be fun and exciting. In a healthy relationship, you will feel stable and supported during those times when you need it, whereas in unhealthy relationships you will feel unstable. So again, because it is worth reiterating – healthy relationships bring out the best in you! They make you feel good about yourself.

That does not mean that a healthy relationship is a perfect relationship all of the time. In fact, healthy and unhealthy behaviors can happen in any relationship and most relationships will have their ups and downs. But it is how we respond to those ups and downs that distinguish healthy versus unhealthy relationships. So, while no relationship is 100% perfect 100% of the time, a healthy relationship often means that you and your partner are committed to fostering a healthy relationship, even when things get a little bumpy.

For more information, please watch the video below and then share it on your social media to promote Teen Dating Violence Awareness. Be sure to tag NAM on social media and use the hashtags, #YouAreNotAloneDV, #tdvam, #NAMGoesOrange, #teendatingviolence.

If you would like more information about teen dating violence or our Prevention Education programs please contact our Violence Prevention Educator, Marina Montemayor at [email protected], or our Community Outreach Specialist, Cynthia Butler at [email protected].

If you or someone you know is suffering from domestic violence or abuse, please call NAM's 24 hour Family Violence Center hotline number at 281-885-HOPE (4673).